Mar de Amore es una marca de bikinis minimal diseñados para acentuar la figura. Creamos una identidad cálida y sensual inspirada en la fluidez del mar con trazos continuos y delgados. El sistema de identidad es basado en elementos del ecosistema marino y frases románticas para envolvernos en un mar de amore.
Created by the lovely Hazly Cantón, this minimal swimwear brand, designed to highlight women figure believes in self-love and love itself. Mar de amore means “ocean of love”. Inspired by the sea, it’s movement and flow the brand design is lineal, thin and minimal.Creating an identity that mirrored the simplicity of the sea and the warm feeling of the sand, we used a neutral palette with color accents to express a romantic and soft feeling. Following the romantic and sensual brand philosophy, the identity system is based on marine ecosystem elements and romantic quotes.